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Meditations for Kids: Techniques to Help with Anxiety

Isaac Sosa

In today's fast-paced world, anxiety is something children will experience. The pressures of school and the constant stimulation of smart devices can lead them to feel overwhelmed. Meditation can be a powerful tool to help children manage their feelings amidst the chaos healthily. While the idea of teaching kids how to self-regulate with meditation sounds enticing, not knowing where to start can make it less appealing, so here are 3 simple techniques that can reduce anxiety.

meditation kid

Balloon Breathing

Balloon Breathing is a simple yet effective technique where the child imagines inflating a balloon in their belly and deflating as they release the air out. This helps regulate breathing, reduces physical tension, and focuses the mind on something simple, unlike the anxious thoughts. It can also be done anywhere at any time.


  1. Have your child sit or stand comfortably.

  2. Ask them to place one hand on their belly, and tell them to imagine it's a balloon.

  3. Have them inhale deeply through their nose, they should see their belly or the "balloon" inflating.

  4. Have them exhale slowly through their mouth, and have them focus on their balloon slowly deflating.

  5. Repeat this process as many times as you'd like until they feel calm.

Grounding with the 5 Senses

This grounding exercise involves having kids center themselves within their environment by focusing on each of their senses one by one. This brings attention to the present moment, pulling them out of their thoughts and anchoring them in the now. It can also be done anywhere at any time, although I'd suggest doing it in a calm area if they're not used to it.


  1. Have your child sit comfortably in a calm environment.

  2. Have them name 5 things that they can see around them.

  3. Have them name 4 things that they can touch.

  4. Have them name 3 things they can hear.

  5. Have them name 2 things they can smell.

  6. Have them taste 1 thing (water, fruit, etc.)

Fingertip Touch Mantra

This technique comes straight from our Mindful Play Learning Program Guide, and it involves children using both tactile and verbal elements to focus their minds away from anxiety. Essentially, this technique involves children touching their thumb to each finger while reciting a calming phrase or mantra. It's a very effective way to refocus the mind and create a sense of peace. It can also be done anywhere and at any time.

  1. Touch thumb to index finger and say "peace."

  2. Touch thumb to middle finger and say "begins."

  3. Touch thumb to ring finger and say "with."

  4. Touch thumb to pinky finger and say "me."

  5. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Feel free to change the mantra to whatever works best for you!

kid meditating

Integrating these meditation techniques into your child's toolbox can leave them better equipped to deal with anxiety and develop healthy self-regulating habits. Encourage your child to try these techniques out tonight and see which one's their favorite! If you'd like to get more tips and tricks on all things mindfulness, subscribe to our newsletter!

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